Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
Torrent details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2012
Genre: Drama, History, Thriller
Director: Kathryn Bigelow
Starring: Jessica Chastain, Mark Strong, Joel Edgerton
chronicle of a decade long hunt for al-Qaeda leader terrorist Osama bin Laden after the September 2001 attacks, and his death at the hands of Navy Seal Team 6 May 2011.kroniek a decade long hunt for al-Qaeda leader terrorist Osama bin Laden after the September 2001 attacks, and his death at the hands of Navy Seal Team 6 May 2011.
As soon as the new one based around the hunt for a person of interest in over 911 theyre like more information about the major events that interested me in movie this film. What movie disappointmentThe was very weak and uninteresting. Do not misunderstand - I was expecting a full blown action film, this is a fascinating area, but at least he did not come. At first I could not understand what the characters say most of the time, which is wouldve subtitles foreign names do not know very useful and words in the top because they mumble and Usage. Secondly, we simply can not relate or even sympathize with, there was a lack of character development. Honestly, I focus on the character, Maya can be very unpleasant and annoying. Yes, he has worked all his life, and that's what shes determined, but it has no feelings, and gives the show of emotions, psycho b * border do tchMany not bother me that people comment on the torture scenes - what worries me is how this film was tortureThe all directions and scenario film I scored a 95 Metacritic baffled that it was boring. And over an Oscar nomination? I'm making a documentary based around real people who simply wish to have. At least it would be real people more interesting. Based on real events and people trying to film the movie, but I only have half an hour and 90 minutes instead of sitting in a miserable 2 stick with the facts re els, and it is a documentary that you have to do on it fails miserably. And I would never go back, thats 2:30 of my life. With hard work and dedication to the people, the events surrounding the real stars * 2. I give the film 0.